Just like Barack Obama gave the Americans, at the beginning of 2009, hope on a better future in their society (to what the Americans have to work on themselves), just like that  people can give themselves hope that they will have a better future after they die ( to what they have to work on themselves, of course.) After all, without that hope, one is not motivated to work on oneself, on one’s character. So believing in a spiritual future is of vital importance!


What is Universal Belief?


Universal Belief is one of the easiest ways of believing; it is the basic-belief that you come across throughout the entire world. Universal Belief means that you believe in immediately-living-on after you die.  When you will pass away, your spirit won’t disappear into nothing.


And when you die... your responsibility doesn’t end either. So you stay responsible for all that you’ve done. 


When you pass away, that responsibility is not going to fall away. And also your conscience will keep working; your aware-conscience (remorse) as well as your unaware-conscience. But the beauty is to realize that all disharmonies from your past can be put back into harmony. After all, death isn’t really death; so everybody has a spiritual feature and everybody, really everybody, will get the opportunity to work on their future fortune.


So... also after your death there still is a lot of work to do. But all the work you do now by working on yourself, on your character, by helping others and so on, is not for nothing because by that, you are working on your future fortune.


Now you are still alive on earth, it is already so that your deeds have consequences for yourself. For example: when you help your neighbor when he is in need, then this has a positive result for the atmosphere between your neighbor and you, and that positive atmosphere will somewhat improve the way you’re feeling.


The consequences of your deeds are noticeable now, but not only now. They will also be noticeable after you have passed away. Here also applies the principle: what goes around comes around.


Believing in that, that is Universal Belief and when you have a religion like that, you also have an extra life goal: you don’t just want to be happy here on earth, but also work on the fortune that you will experience after you have passed away.


Who have the Universal Belief?


- In all traditional world religions you can come across people with deep Universal Belief. One often calls them ‘’saints’’. These people are inwardly convinced of the ‘’extra goal’’: the higher goal of life. And those people live after that.


- And who else have the Universal Belief? People who have had a clear near-death-experience, an impressive experience of what life feels like after one dies and how their spirit lives on without the material body. After an experience like that, one also knows that their life has an extra purpose, something that is not finished yet, something that needs to be completed before their real death arrives. They feel that the time they have in this life, is more valuable than they initially thought. Those people have also already experienced that all their deeds have consequences; that positive deeds have positive consequences and negative deeds have negative consequences and that all those deeds will, sooner or later, in one way or another, come back to them. Because of that, they will start feeling more responsible for their behavior and attitude and they are more willing to work on their character.


- And who also have the Universal Belief? Those are the people who, independently, make a serious, spiritual study out of life. The studying in theory and practice doesn’t concern dogmatic religions. And the theoretical study involves, for example, the books of Jozef Rulof (1898-1952) in which the pure truth about life after death in particular is being described.  Through Rulof, this reliable information was put onto paper, but the wisdom actually comes from people who died a long time ago on earth and who developed a positive direction in their life-after-death. From these books can also be learned that not only physical nature laws apply in Life, but also spiritual nature laws. There is also being explained that there’s not just an evolution of the universe, of nature, of the animal body and the human body, but also of the inner life of all of this. So also every individual person goes through an inner process of growth. But because human can influence this process by his free will, his behavior and attitude, does this process of growth not occur according to a straight, rising line. The Universal Belief is, in any case, a good compass on this tortuous path of life.


What does Universally-Believing mean?


‘’Just’’ being religious, comes in many shapes and sizes. There are many people who say they are convinced that they will be privileged by, for example, Christ, Mohammed or Buddha after their death. Other people say ‘’death is death’’ and after death you’re just ‘’gone’’. But nobody knows for sure. It’s because of that that we call it ‘’belief’’.  Universal Belief is also of form of believing.  People will only have real certainty after they die. There is no use arguing about the question if ‘’there is’’ or ‘’there is no’’ life-after-death.  After all, nobody has certainty about that. Materialists think that they have certainty that there is nothing after their death. (Although they don’t know that for sure.) And dogmatists act like they have the certainty that they know in which privileged position they will be after their death. Actually they don’t have that certainty and that’s why they don’t just fool others but they also fool themselves.


People with Universal Belief are never like dogmatists. Truly believing is not a mind game and one does not walk unscrupulously after others. The Universal Believing lies deep within the sense of feeling and there’s always a balance between mind and feeling. Thus somebody clearly feels;


- that his life won’t stop after he dies,


- that there is a higher purpose in life, higher than the material and social,


- that his future is being decided by his current and former behavior,


- that there will be justice in life eventually and that there is no such thing as coincidence


- and someone like that feels inspired to do something positive, something constructive in his life.


Thus someone like that would never want to shorten this life (suicide or euthanasia) because he is grateful for having the opportunity to live, grateful for being able to use his precious time usefully so that he can work on his higher purpose.


Does believing in God not at all play a part in the Universal Belief?


In Universal Belief, the believing in a God (or multiple Gods or sacred prophets) is of no interest. God is not denied nor confirmed or described or worshipped. For that matter, nobody on this planet knows exactly who or what God is. And when discussing about that matter, one will never sort it out. Although many find support in the image of God, that information about Him does not have any further use for our everyday life and only raises contrasts between religions. Everybody has a different image of God and if there would ever be strived after unity between world religions, then there should be searched more for the commonly and that is most certainly not the image of God, that is usually created out of the many religious books. The use of believing in a God is heavily overrated, as it hardly has any surplus value for one’s inner growth.


Which role can the Universal Belief play in the future of mankind?


What is generally accepted in all religions, is the belief in a further life of the human spirit after dying on earth. So everybody can better focus on that, if one wants to seek cooperation between world religions and if one wants to commonly enter into battle with the unbelieving and the live-away-materialism.


The belief in a life-after-death of the human spirit is so fundamental in human, that it was already present in the nature religions in the far past of mankind, but also now in the jungle with nature tribes. This form of belief turns up again everywhere where the traditional religions are overshot in dogmas, rules and rituals. Because of this alienating of the core of belief, more and more people turn themselves away from the churchly belief. The superficial turn into materialists and the sensitive search their way in all sorts of small religious movements. In pretty much all of those small religious movements is believed in the life-after-death of every individual human being. And thus this shows how powerful this binding factor really is.


How realistic is it to believe in a spiritual life-after-death, was supported earlier by what came forward from séances. The ‘’evidences’’ which came forward were, unfortunately, only of importance for the persons concerned. So those results usually had little evidence for the general public. But nowadays there also exist the Near-Death-Experience (NDE) surveys performed by serious scientists. Thousands of people across the world were questioned after they were reanimated. In this way, some scientists in the VS and in Europe have proven that the human spirit can live, perceive and move while the body is clinically dead. That spirit apparently doesn’t need brains or a nervous system to live. This systematic survey amongst people who’ve experienced an NDE, strongly indicates that the human spirit will live on after the body has died due to, for example, old age.


So all people who think fraternization between the world religions is desirable should take a serious look at what those explanations of people who’ve experienced an NDE mean to them. Everybody can read those explanations because they are noted down nicely and published as books by scientists.


Thus the Universal Belief offers a unique chance to come to fraternization; fraternization of all religions and cultures which exist on earth. And  if the Universal Belief will be generally accepted by all population groups on earth, then will the ethics and sense of responsibility that come from that, lead to world peace and to increased welfare of mankind in the future. Philosophizing about Near-Death-Experiences and Universal Belief:


We almost know for sure that our lives go on after we die. Out of survey to the perceptions and experiences by humans who have almost been dead, we can conclude some interesting points:


1/ The human spirit can exist, live and experience, while it’s body is clinically dead. This could mean that after the true, definite dying, the spirit is most likely to live on. This is also confirmed because of the fact that a couple of people, during their NDE, have met a family member who had passed away earlier.


2/ Many who’ve had an NDE say that it became clear to them at one point, that their time wasn’t up yet. This could mean that everybody gets assigned a certain life time. Many people who’ve had an NDE determined that they would, in the future, spend their time better and more with spiritual matters.


3/ Many who’ve had an NDE said that it became clear to them that their task of life wasn’t fully performed at that moment.

This could mean that everybody needs to perform one or multiple tasks during their lives. Life tasks for which you can either can or cannot try your best and for which you can or cannot be motivated. Some things do connect to your life vision, to your free will and to the principle of ‘’making-up’’ or bringing harmony in matters from the past.


4/ Many people who’ve had an NDE experience their life-film. During this summary of their peaks and lows they felt that all their deeds with regard to their fellow-men, had direct consequences for those fellow-men. They felt the consequences of their deeds on others, so there is a law of cause and effect. Not only in physics, but also in behavior between people. Many people became more careful with their words, deeds and attitude towards other human beings after their NDE. After all, they have felt for themselves what this could bring about.


Good books about near-death-experiences are written by, for instance, Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Kübler-Ross or cardiologist Pim van Lommel.  


* Who wants to believe in a life after death, adds a very important aspect to his life.